I’m so happy you’re here

Hi! I’m Lisa!

I like to create things that make people feel good. As a writer, doula, and mental health advocate, I champion self-care and authenticity. I am especially driven to support those embarking on their motherhood journey and the caretakers of our world who might be facing silent struggles and feel all alone. As someone who has struggled to conceive for many years and has lost sight of who I was in the process, I not only understand the importance of nurturing maternal well-being but am now motivated to challenge harmful narratives and provide a safe space for women to express themselves authentically and help them feel like the fullest version of themselves. It became very clear that before mothering another, came mothering myself. Perhaps the most important work of all.

I’ve learned that even through tough seasons, it is possible to keep living fully. These seasons can coexist with so many other beautiful things. It may not seem like anything is happening, but I’ve seen firsthand that in between seasons and selves, creation still happens. Miracles are born. New versions of self emerge. Life sifts and sorts for the better. Most importantly, support is all around you.

If you are in a season of waiting, healing, or feel called to explore your sense of self in community with those who get it, please reach out and see what calls to you below.

coming soon

Who am I?

A foundational book that takes you on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, you begin to remember that this life is very much an inside job—one that is brave and introspective. It is easy to place your worth alongside things and achievements; but coming home to yourself will always be the remedy.

how can I help?